Science, especially with the understanding in evolutionary biology and neurosciences tell us that as a species we have evolved over millions of years and our brains have evolved over time. And our actions are controlled by reactions/changes in any of the three parts of the brain.
Millions of years back, the primary purpose was to avoid being hunted or hunt others, for preserving life. As we evolved, our brains evolved, cognitive abilities and language developed. Life and society evolved. It’s not just the chances of survival, but comforts of life improved significantly. Yet, many of our actions are triggered by the primal fears.
But can we say that we are not hunting and being hunted now? Aren’t we doing the same thing, but in a far more sophisticated way? Isn’t just that, with our cognitive abilities, we are able to make a story, perhaps seeing it in a different plane? With our stories, perceptions, and the norms we created about what is a good life, perhaps we do not see ourselves as hunters and the hunted. We are in fact, hunting and being hunted, to preserve a life that fits the bill and norms of what we define as a successful life.
How else one explain our day-to-day negotiations – whether it is physical, emotional, ideological, economical, personal and professional? Small entrepreneurs try not to go out of business, wage earners try not to get outsmarted, employers try to maximise extraction, corporates compete, businesses constantly try to manoeuvre state policies while trying to make the best out of it, state and bureaucracy tries (and often pretends) to be the defenders of justice, citizens try to stay out of trouble with the state…. And it goes on.
Aren’t we the same hunters and the hunted?