(First published in October 2016)
Times Internet has been on a spree of signing up partnerships to bring in international digital media titles to India. One would assume that we now get these sites with content relevant to India with their international production standards and design sensibilities.
But unfortunately no.
Let’s for a moment keep aside the quality of content. That’s for later. Let’s only look at a peripheral view on the visual appeal and how inviting these sites are to the users, without getting into any analysis of the arts and science of UX or UI.
It is said that as Indians we love chaos and we thrive in it. Chaotic roads, traffic, markets, and maybe even some of our homes. And maybe that’s what is reflected in these sites.
The assumption (sadly) is that the smallest of the small white spaces are meant to be utilized. Utilised for advertising banners to be precise. And that consumers are waiting to see banners all over the screen, and brands waiting for their nirvana.
Here is a look at some of the sites and their international versions.
Advertising Age

Business Insider

Huffington Post


The problem, perhaps, is in our expectations. Because this is Times Internet. Unwanted noise and chaos have to be the hallmark. Just like Times Now.
After all, a nation gets the media it deserves.